Technical Writing Samples: Articles articles are pieces commissioned by clients, generally in the tech industry, on business trends, products, case studies, etc. They typically have both an educational component, explaining some technological concept and its implications, and a marketing component, motivating a desired action like scheduling a consultation. While desired tone and content can vary somewhat between clients, ideally these sound authoritative but not pushy, with a moderate dose of "business speak".

Client Industry Project Type Final Draft
Netwrix Cybersecurity Technical Guide The 7 Pillars of Zero Trust
Zendata Data Governance and Compliance Technical Guide AI Explainability Techniques 101
Zendata Data Governance and Compliance Technical Guide AI Governance Maturity Models 101
Clutch Business Services Marketplace Hiring Guide Drupal Development Services Hiring Guide
Foxit PDF PDF Software Case Study Case study on using Foxit for 3D diagram workflows
Dell Technologies User Community Product Support Technical Guide Guide to managing Custom Update Catalogs

Screenshot from the live version of the Netwrix technical guide: The Seven Pillars of Zero Trust