Technical Writing Samples: Philosophy Teaching Materials

Most of these are slide decks for the course Foundations of Cognitive Science. While they are meant to be accompanied by verbal explanations, I think they are usually effective in cutting through to the core elements of the topics covered, and are comprehensible on their own. They also display a greater range of diagrams and visual presentation of information than my other materials. The tone is light and meant to engage students who usually have no intrinsic interest in these topics.

  • Slides on cognitive science and the scientific method
  • Slides on common methods used in philosophical ethics
  • Slides on set theory basics
  • Slides on compositional semantics using sets
  • Slides on intensional semantics
  • Slides on ambiguity and tree diagrams in linguistics
  • Slides explaining Knowlton et. al. (2021)
  • Document that reviews answers to assignment on cognitive science and the scientific method

Slide explaining the subject matter of cognitive science